9:15 AM
11:00 Am
2:00 pm

“ I am the vine; you are the branches.

If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. ”

JOHN 15:5

Our Gatherings

Sunday Services

Sundays- 9:15am | 11:00am | 2:00pm

29 Burrow Street, Wan Chai

Kids 4 Christ (K4C)

9:15am | 11:00am

Flight Youth

Fridays: 5:00PM - 9:00pm
Sundays: 9:15am & 11:00am


How We Begin

God’s movement is always forward, never back. He is always progressing you towards a greater and deeper relationship with Jesus and because of that is always actively involved in your life to redeem and restore you so you can become a vessel of his hope, his life, and his purposes in this world.



January 2025


Whether The Vine Wan Chai is your home church, you're trying to find a new home church or you are exploring what the Christian faith is all about - you are welcome to join one of our community groups! Community Groups are a safe place where you can talk about your faith and questions, form new friendships, grow spiritually, and grow in serving and impacting others. We are committed to helping you connect to one of our community groups. Sometimes finding the right group can be a process so we encourage you to keep exploring until you find the right group for you.

To learn more contact our team at

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