
As one of the ways we worship, giving is a key component of Christian discipleship. At The Vine we encourage regular giving through Sunday offerings, monthly standing orders, credit card, internet transfer, or PayPal.

Giving Options


The Vine Church Limited is a registered charity and is entitled to exemption under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (CAP. 112).
A deduction is granted, for tax purposes under the Inland Revenue Ordinance, for donations of money made to The Vine Church Limited. Donation of HK$100 or over (up to 35% of an individual’s income) qualify for tax relief and you will receive your annual tax receipt in May. Please provide your name as shown in your HKID Card and your email address to facilitate the issuing of your tax receipt.  Please see below for further tax exemptions if you are a US taxpayer.


You can receive either or US & HK tax receipt for each donation of  at least US$100 (or HK$800) by cheque and issued to ‘Friends of Hong  Kong Charities Inc.’ with nothing written on the lower left corner of  the cheque. Combined US & HK tax receipts can only be issued for  cheque donations. Email for further instructions. You may also donate via credit card on FOHKC website and select The Vine Church Limited.

Bank Transfer / FPS

Beneficiary/Payee: The Vine Church Limited
Bank Name: HSBC (The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)
Account Number: 083-198929-001
Bank Code (if required): 004
FPS (Fast Payment System) ID: 9794447

Please provide a copy of your transfer receipt along with your personal details within 2 weeks, and for further instructions, please email

Credit card

To give via credit card, select “One-Off” or “Monthly” donation below. Note that we will be charged 3-4% on each donation.


For tax receipt please enter your email in “Message” section.
Note: There will be 1.2% charge on each donation.


For tax receipt please enter your email in “Message” section.
Note: There will be 1% charged on each donation

For tax receipt please enter your information by choosing “Require Donation Receipt”.Note: There will be 1% charged on each donation.
Autopay/ Direct Debit

You can now pay your monthly tithe simply and automatically by “Autopay” (Direct Debit). Please download and complete both of these forms.

Once completed please submit the form at The Vine Concierge Desk or by mail to 29 Borrows Street, Wan Chai, “Attention: Finance